What sociocultural differences have you found when you comparing Chile with those who live in California?
I feel that in California people have more personality and less fear, if they see something nice they say it and if there is something they don't like they also talk about it and face it without having to postpone it. They don't wait to explode one day. In addition, each one worries about their own issues and not what the rest do. I see very happy people on a day-to-day. Undoubtedly, we know that the standards of living in L.A. or in the United States are different from Chile. Another thing that caught my attention is that women are more empathetic to each other. They attend to you in an amazing way everywhere, which for me represents a breakthrough. It cannot be denied that in Chile there are beautiful and very Pro people too. Here the people don't have too many taboos. It's a freer country in terms of personal decisions and there are mooooore opportunities to Art. However, you have to be persistent. The spirit of Artist is breathed everywhere. I consider that very positive and important for our emotional side.