Only the gods know what a person alone does within a room. Looking inside the intimacy of others could bring consequences, however you shouldn’t worry because in Hybris Mag you will be safe, even more you can join us if you wish. Diego & Eliandra took a hotel room in Buenos Aires to tell this story in more than 100 images. There are no limits when granting an experience. It's curious how a tiny “Do not Disturb's sign" has the power to divide the reality, where time seems to run differently and the possibilities of giving a twist to our lives increase.
Eliandra, what does it bring you joy?
That brings me most joy is sharing my time with the people I love, that moment in which I am creating for my brand, going on a journey and exploring. There is nothing more pleasant than having a life full of adventures.
What challenges are you experiencing now and how are you facing them?
At this moment I am living the most ambitious challenge of my life. I have a business called KOA, it's a brand of shoes and handbags. The desire that I have to continue growing and creating is unstoppable. I am surprised that in the middle of a pandemic I have decided to spend all my savings on this project, it's not easy however I like the whole process, I love the way how I face it. I go step by step and I do it as I want, whether I'm wrong or not. I like to be faithful to my ideas and seeing that people like and consume it is very pleasant.
"It motivates me a lot the time that I'm dedicating to myself because I am creating the life that I want and deserve to live. A healthy life, full of adventures and curiosities."
What actions do you like to focus your energy on?
When I have a lot of energy I focus on creating new shoes and handbags, or physical training.
What are your origins?
I am Dominican, however my country is a mixed island between Europeans, Africans and Taínos.
What dreams or plans do you have for the future?
Within the super near future it would be to be able to consecrate an incredible work team for KOA and thus be able to go to travel around the world.
What would you like to express to others?
That they could be kinder to each other, we don't know what each one goes through and a little kindness can change the way that person sees life, it doesn’t cost anything. Always feel free to say or express what you feel without fear. And that they share their time with people who are worth it.
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Do Not Disturb

Photographer Diego Triplab

145 Photographs / High Resolution

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Online editorial /Digital Content

Argentina, Buenos Aires 2021


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