Lately several celebrities are choosing to have an Onlyfans' account. How has it been to overcome prejudices about selling provocative photographic content? Finally, in this contemporary world, each and every one of us must sell something, it could be our time in a company, our mind, our art, some product, etc..
I made the decision to open an Onlyfans' account after all my concerts were canceled in 2020. For me, my concerts meant the only income I had. I have always taken the money from my concerts to invest in my career, in my video clips, in paying for studio hours, in wardrobe, etc. So when all my concerts were canceled and I was going to release an album on those dates I didn't want to live without a fixed monthly income, because I had a rhythm of life where I already spent heavily on my music, on myself and added to living in another country. I did maths in my head about my expenses and said no, I already knew, I had a hunch that this pandemic issue was going to last for years, when government just closed the borders many people thought; "No, this is going to be two months" but I felt and said "this is going to last a long time and I am not going to wait for a miracle to happen without generating anything". I saw that Cardi B opened her Onlyfans' account too, from there I saw another artist and I said well I also have my fans who love me a lot in Peru, new fans in Mexico, now I'm going to release my album and I'm going to have more fans elsewhere of the world. I'm always uploading sexy photos, I have many photographer friends who I'm sure will love photographing me, so I stopped posting sexy photos on my instagram and now all my sexy photos go to Onlyfans. I train a lot, I love my body, I love my tattoos, I feel super sexy so why not use it for myself, right?.